Choosing the right words: Inscriptions for funeral plaques.
How can we choose the right words to honor the memory of our loved ones?

When we lose a loved one, choosing the right words to honor their memory can be difficult. The dedication for a funeral plaque is an opportunity to pay tribute to a person's life and express our love and gratitude for everything they gave us. In this article, we will explore some of the most common dedications for funeral plaques and give you some tips to help you choose the right words.
In memory of a gentle and beloved soul
This dedication is a tribute to the kind and loving personality of the departed loved one. It is a way to remember their positive qualities and convey the love and respect we had for them.
Rest in peace, dear [name]
This dedication is a prayer for the eternal peace of the departed person's soul. It is a form of comfort for those who remain and a testimony to the hope that the loved one is finally free from all suffering.
Always in our hearts and prayers
This dedication is a way to express the emotional and spiritual bond that we continue to feel with the departed loved one. It is a tribute to the special relationship we had with them and a declaration of our intention to keep their memory alive.
An angel has returned to heaven
This dedication represents consolation in the loss of a loved one and the hope that they have reached a better place. It is a way to express faith and trust in the power of divine love.
We will never forget your smile and kindness
This dedication is a tribute to the unique qualities of the departed person. It is a way to remember their personality and the impact they had on the lives of those who knew them.
With love and gratitude for your life
This dedication is a thank you for everything the departed loved one gave us in their life. It is a tribute to their legacy and a testimony to the impact they had on the lives of others.
Your presence will always be missed
This dedication represents a universal emotion of those who have lost a loved one: the sense of emptiness left by their absence. It is a tribute to the loved one and the emotions they have inspired.
May your rest be as sweet as your spirit
This dedication is a wish for eternal peace and serene rest for the soul of the departed person. It is a way to express the hope that the loved one has found peace and tranquility.
Have you already chosen the ceramic that reflects the personality of the person to whom it is dedicated? Contact us to create your unique and personalized composition.